CACA use to have yearly picnics, currently Chinese Historical Society of Southern California has yearly picnics, but the parking lot next to CHSSC is not available. CHSSC President Gordon Hom has a Homeowners Association Park available for the event.

The Big Day Is August 28, 2010 Saturday Dim Sum Picnic 11:00 am to 7:00 pm

  • Who is Coming? Everyone you know who should be coming.. It is not limited to just the older ones. We want to see Great Grand parents and sons and daughters. There will be a lot of photo opportunities.
  • • Bring lawn chairs and all those take out chopsticks you saved
  • • We supplied Hot Tea, Jook, Lemonaide, Punch, Microwaves, Plates, Cups, Napkins & TV
  • • We are going to show Movies
  • • Jenny Cho's "Revisiting East Adams”
  • Bring As Much Dim Sum You Can Afford . One big box-one type (makes ordering and table placement easier).

About Me

Why am I doing this? I have the location, I have the friends and the desire. I want to see everyone while life is still good. I worked as a Building Inspector at the City of Los Angeles. Retired 8 years ago to work in the City of Inglewood. I am currently the President of the Chinese Historical Society of Southern California

I Survived

I had a lot of last minute running to do. Had to hose down the place from the previous party, clean the floors, empty the trash, unplug the toilet, clean the baths, get ice and put up the shade. Thanks to Barbara Louie Lee we got thru it. The was about a hundred people, we ended a little earlier to our house. Everything was taken from the Park to our house. By Monday noon, most of the stuff was cleaned and put away. We distributed most of the extra food and jook. I will post a few pictures soon.
When do we want to do this all again? I will help you plan it.....

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